Materials & Media Year 1 – Icon design project.
The idea of this icon set came from a couple of social media apps I’ve been using. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram etc. I noticed that most of them had been favoured to use icons for a particular function. The best guess is the limited space of the mobile devices. That gives me an idea of using icons to suggest to the users of a particular function. So I started to collect information of the core function of an app.

After the first class, I had my idea passed by the teacher. He pointed out my research was fine but lagged in the experimental process. This means I was too focused on theory and showing examples but not much on actual drawing. He told me I would need to get my hands dirty and draw as much as possible. He also said something like the good design is not going to appear suddenly, you’d need to actively seek for it. Which I think was quite a textbook saying, but makes sense. So I did, none-stop drawing for half an hour, and surely enough, have gone somewhere.

Decision Making
After drawing with all the possibilities, it is time to polish the idea and frame the drawing into the final piece. In this stage, I’ve made a checklist to see what goes or fits into the themes. I am also actively asking for feedback from mates and tutors.

After planning my icon set. Started to look into the functions such as upload. Because The icon I designed is going to work on the pad and mobile devices, therefore the design must be as simple as possible. And I quite fancy the idea of minimalist design and all that, So I decided to give it a go and use as few colours as possible. But I realised I was still overcomplicated with the line design (speaking by myself from the year 2020).

Yup, not as great as I thought. But for a design newbie, I think I did well.
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