AGD 钻石着色器
AGD = Advanced Glass Diffraction Node / 高级玻璃衍射节点
This render was a collaboration of node study with Blender conference 2019, keynote by Vilem Duha. Advanced glass material by Zhanlong Deng, and support from Romuald6 Blend Swap.

The Advance Glass Dispersion node group is designed for jewellery rendering. The default blender glass shader lag of glass light ray physics sim. For now, the better way to simulate the diffraction effect that commonly found in jewellery is to manually separate the three light rays, in this case, the three colour channels (RGB).

This node takes colour information from the input added the intensity value which affects the amount of light ray that reflects back to the camera.

The Blender-provided Principled BSDF render is more than adequate for most scenes. However, for certain closeup scenes, the lag of light physics can cause some strange artefacts.
*Image preview with Glass passed of 24*

The node is not physics-based, it is not physically correct. Thus, might not work well with PBR shaders or materials. But for the purpose of rendering this scene, with the minor light condition and neutral background. The output worked as intended.
The node group added the light ray interaction and shaped with different dispersion input values thus creating the dispersion. The value is not strictly limited to a certain number, it depends on the scenes.

CC BY-NC 4.0
署名-不可商用 4.0 国际

